ICME 13 extend the submission deadline of the papers and posters until the 15th of October 2015

icme 13 banner copyImportant Information: Deadline extension ICME13 – Hamburg -Germany

It has been decided to extend the submission deadline of the papers and posters until the 15th of October 2015. Please distribute this information widely. Poster submissions of researchers, who do not wish to apply for the solidarity grant, has not been changed and will be possible from 1st – 31st January 2016.

For more information, check the link http://www.icme13.org

For more details please check the link http://www.icme13.org/files/tsg/TSG_35.pdf

For information about the deadlines and templates, please check the links



We are waiting for your contributions!

Best regards,
Milton Rosa
Lawrence Shirley
Coachairs of TSG35

TSG35 – Role of ethnomathematics in mathematics education